Our Mission: Touching Lives, Restoring hope

Safeguarding Policy

Our safeguarding commitment

Reward International UK, (RIUK) is committed to providing an environment where vulnerable children, adults families, and communities, both within the UK and overseas are valued, respected and protected from harm. We further recognise our responsibility to develop awareness of issues which cause vulnerable children, adults families, and communities from harm, and to recognise the possible signs of abuse and neglect, and act appropriately.

Providing a safe environment

We recognise that safeguarding is the responsibility of every staff member and volunteer who is involved vulnerable adults.

Reward International UK expects that our staff, donors, volunteers, participants and associates shall behave responsibly and represent our values at all times, and maintain the highest professional, moral and ethical standards in their day-to-day work.

Zero tolerance policy towards inaction against all forms of harm.

Reward International UK believes that everyone we come into contact with, regardless of age, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, if parents, pregnant or otherwise has the right to be protected from all forms of harm.

Safeguarding Policy

The purpose of the Safeguarding Policy is to protect people, particularly children, at-risk adults, and project participants and community members, from any maltreatment or harm that may be caused due to their coming into contact with Reward International UK. This policy enables us to prevent, report and respond to safeguarding concerns and always ensure accountability and transparency. The Policy provides guidance and informs staff and associates of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding. It sets out our commitments to ensure that Reward International UK provides a safe environment for everyone we work with and for.

Reporting a concern

If you are a member of staff, a donor, a volunteer, a contractor, a service user (child or adult), a community member, a staff member from a partner organisation, and if you SEE, HEAR, or SUSPECT that abuse or harm is taking place, you can report a safeguarding concern or incident by e-mailing: admin@riuk.org.uk.

Please remember that your duty is to report, and not investigate. All e-mails and calls will be treated in the strictest of confidence and in compliance with GDPR and data protection regulations.

Our Trustees are accountable to the UK Charity Commission for England and Wales for any harm caused by Reward International UK staff, associates, programmes, or operations and take all safeguarding matters extremely seriously.

Safer recruitment

Our vetting process for staff, volunteers and contractors includes the appropriate background checks, interviews with questions around safeguarding, and a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, where relevant. All staff, contractors and volunteers who join the organisation will need to sign a commitment to our Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct upon signing an agreement and undertake an online safeguarding course within six weeks of joining, and annually thereafter.

Our trustees as well as our staff who are based in the UK attend a comprehensive, in-house safeguarding training which is delivered regularly and is mandatory. Volunteers who support us during our challenges, and events or visit our programmes both in the UK and abroad are required to attend a safeguarding briefing with our Safeguarding Department to be able to represent us.